Kathy Lane
Children's Book Author
I grew up in the big city of San Diego and moved to the small town of Reedley in 1974. I was born in Reedley, my hometown in 1963. Growing up I played house, teacher and store. I read books and wrote poetry.
In fifth grade, I had a wonderful teacher named Miss Marjorie Myers. I liked her so much I made her glitter-ball ornaments for Christmas! She never married
and had no children. She told our class that we were her family. She put our desks in a circle and she read stories every day after lunch. Then, we wrote our own stories. I wrote poetry and stories all year. It was so much fun! She told me that someday I would be a writer.
Teaching and playing with kids has always seemed natural to me. So when I went to college, I headed straight for the Child Development Department where I learned a few more things.
No matter where I was in life, I always kept writing. For many years I wrote songs and more poetry.
A long time ago I owned and operated a store.
I have also taught pre-school, Sunday School, and my own children.
Now, I spend my free time writing stories for children. It’s so much fun! I love reading stories to my family. What’s even better, is they enjoy listening to them.
Today, I still play house, (even though I’m grown-up). I’ve been married for over twenty years and have two children.
Many of my dreams have already come true. I grew up to play house, teach and owned a store. Now, another dream is coming true. I’m writing children’s stories to share with you!

How do I write stories?
I was having lunch with my cousin and he asked me, “How do you come up with story ideas?” I told him that I imagine what would happen if something could talk. Like a house, or a flower or an animal. “OH!” He thought that was really funny. But to me, I’ve been doing that all my life. Creating a new story just means stopping, thinking about something from a different point of view, and imagining what it would be like to be a mouse for instance!
Pens, Pencils and Paper

Every year I love back-to-school shopping!
I love the smell of paper, books and new crayons. I have quite a collection of markers, paper, rulers, pencils and erasers! I always write my stories and ideas on paper, not on a computer. It’s easier for me to think about it that way. Computers are great, but there’s nothing like writing on paper.

To Rhyme or Not to Rhyme
Sometimes I write my stories in poetry form, rhyming books. Sometimes I don’t. If the story comes naturally in poetry , I go with that. If not, I don’t. I don’t like to force rhyming.
Books I read growing up
The Rageddy Ann Stories. My mom made me a Rageddy Ann doll for my 8th birthday. Raggedy and I went everywhere together. She was one of my best friends.
The Boxcar Children. I wanted to live in a boxcar and travel by train because of them.
Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. This was before the movie!
James and the Giant Peach. What imagination!
Aesops Fables. My mom read lots of stories to me before I could read. Once I started reading, I couldn't stop!
The Princess and the Pea. Simply silly.
One of my very favorite stories was and is Town Mouse, Country Mouse.
My Family
I've been married for over twenty years to the love of my life, Don. He is my encourager. We like to go new places. We both love the mountains, the ocean and Disneyland!
My oldest daughter, Summer, is also a writer. She is the author of The Collapse Series and Zero Trilogy. We love to shop and hang out together. She is beautiful inside and out.
My son, Rocklin, grew taller than me a few years ago. Now I look up to him. We like to play games. We have been known to play Uno for over an hour. I like to win. So does he. He likes to make movies. He will always be my "little" boy.
My father and mother, Pete and Nancy, also live in my hometown.
We like to visit everyday.
I am grateful for a loving family.

The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures, He leadeth me beside the still waters, He restoreth my soul............Psalm 23